MEMS Airflow Pressure Switch Sensor MS2203AB-M08

MS2203AB-M08 is a MEMS airflow pressure switch sensor suitable for detecting the smoking status of atomizer. When the built-in MEMS chip senses the change of air pressure, the MEMS chip converts the change of air pressure into the change of capacitance, and the MEMS chip is connected to the input of the built-in capacitive airflow detection ASIC chip to determine the user’s operation behavior through the detection of capacitance change signals by the circuit of ASIC input and output the corresponding trigger high and low level signals. The ASIC input circuit detects the capacitance change signal to determine the user’s operation behavior and outputs the corresponding trigger high and low level signals.

MS2203AB-M08 features a ASIC design, there will not be the current MCU program’s crash phenomenon, nor will there be below the critical voltage caused by the chip can not be reset phenomenon; power-saving mode quiescent current ≤ 5uA, peripheral application circuit is simple.
This product features a compact 2.7×1.8mm package suitable for SMT applications and supports high-efficiency automated production.

1. Specification Parameters

Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
P Operating Pressure -150 / -250 Pa
Vdd Operating Voltage Range 2.4 3.7 5.0 V
Iq Static Current / 2 5 uA
T-EN Output Startup Time / 30 100 mS
Vol Output Low Voltage VDD=3.7V,Io=10mA VDD*15% V
Voh Output High Voltage VDD=3.7V,Io=10mA VDD*85% V
tONM Smoking Protection Time 12 S

2. Typical Application Circuit Diagram

MS2203AB-M08 Typical Application Circuit Diagram

3. System Diagram

(1) System Structure Diagram

MS2203AB-M08 System Framework Diagram

Unit: mm, Unmarked Tolerance: ± 0.1(mm)

LENGTH(L) 2.70 ±0.10 mm
WIDTH(W) 1.80 ±0.10 mm
HEIGHT(H) 0.95 ±0.10 mm
AP1 Φ0.20 ±0.05 mm
AP2 Φ0.50 ±0.05 mm
Pin Pin Name Description
1 NC /
2 Output Switch output
3 VDD Power supply
4 GND Ground

Note: All Ground Pin must be connected to the ground in end application.

(2) Installation Diagram

MS2203AB-M08 installation diagram

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