Atomizer MEMS Airflow Sensor Chip MS2101AA-M00

MS2101AA-M00, designed for atomizers, is a MEMS airflow sensor that detects the smoking status. When the internal MEMS chip senses pressure changes, it converts these variations into capacitance changes. The MEMS chip is connected to the input of an external ASIC, which detects the capacitance changes and determines the user’s actions, outputting corresponding high or low trigger signals. The product uses CAP-LGA packaging, features a compact design, supports multiple reflow soldering cycles, and is compatible with SMT processes for high efficient automated production.

1. Specifications

Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Operating Temperature TOPR -40 +85 ℃
Storage Temperature TSTG -40 +125 ℃
Supply Voltage Vdd -0.3 6.5 V
ESD 3500 V

2. Typical Application Circuit Diagram

MS2100AA-M00 Typical Application Circuit Diagram

3. System Diagram

(1) System Structure Diagram

MS2100AA-M00 System Diagram

Item Dimension Tolerance Unit
Length(L) 2.70 ±0.10 mm
Width(W) 1.80 ±0.10 mm
Height(H) 0.95 ±0.10 mm
Acoustic Port 1(AP1) Φ0.50 ±0.10 mm
Acoustic Port 2(AP2) Φ0.20 ±0.10 mm
Pin Outputs
Pin Number Functional Description
1 VDD (Connects SW)
2 GND (Connects the negative terminal)
3 GND (Connects the negative terminal)

(2) Installation Diagram

MS2100AA-M00 Installation Diagram


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