Atomizer MEMS Airflow Sensor MS2102AB-M00

The MS2102AB-M00 uses CAP-LGA packaging, featuring a compact size and compatibility with reflow soldering, making it suitable for SMT assembly and enabling efficient automated production. Additionally, an oil-resistant membrane is applied at the metal cover holes, further enhancing its oil and dust resistance, thereby increasing the overall reliability of the system.

MS2102AB-M00 is a MEMS airflow sensor designed to detect the smoking status in atomizer. When the built-in MEMS chip senses pressure changes, it converts these changes into variations in capacitance. The MEMS chip is connected to the input of an external ASIC, which detects these capacitance changes to determine the user’s actions and outputs the corresponding high/low trigger signals.

1. Specifications

Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Operating Temperature TOPR -40 +85 ℃
Storage Temperature TSTG -40 +125 ℃
Supply Voltage Vdd -0.3 6.5 V
ESD 3500 V

2. Typical Application Circuit Diagram

MS2102AB-M00 Typical Application Circuit

3. System Diagram

MS2102AB-M00 System Block Diagram

Item Dimension Tolerance Unit
Length(L) 2.70 ±0.10 mm
Width(W) 1.80 ±0.10 mm
Height(H) 0.95 ±0.10 mm
Acoustic Port 1(AP1) Φ0.50 ±0.10 mm
Acoustic Port 2(AP2) Φ0.20 ±0.10 mm

Pin Outputs

Pin Number Functional Description
1 C+
2 C-
/ /
/ /

4. Installation Diagram

MS2102AB-M00 airflow direction

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