High-Voltage Linear Lithium-Ion Battery Charging Management IC with OVP HT4054H

HT4054H is a complete high-voltage linear charger for single-cell lithium-ion batteries with overvoltage protection. Its SOT23-5 package, and minimal external component count make the HT4054H an ideal choice for portable applications.

HT4054H is suitable for operation with USB power sources and adapter power. With its internal PMOSFET structure and built-in reverse discharge protection, it eliminates the need for external sensing resistors and isolation diodes. Thermal feedback regulates the charging current to limit the chip’s temperature during high-power operation or elevated ambient temperatures. The charging voltage is fixed at 4.2V, while the charging current can be externally set using a resistor. Once the charging current drops to a preset value of 1/10 after reaching the final float voltage, the HT4054H will automatically terminate the charging cycle.

When the input voltage (AC adapter or USB power) is removed, the HT4054H automatically enters a low-current state, reducing battery leakage current to below 2μA. The HT4054H can also be put into shutdown mode, which further reduces the supply current to 55μA. Other features include a charging current monitor, undervoltage lockout, automatic recharging, and a status pin to indicate charging completion and input voltage presence.

The HT4054H comes in an environmentally friendly SOT23-5 package with a minimal number of three external components, effectively reducing PCB layout space. It operates in a temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.

1. Specifications

(VCC=5V,VBAT = 3.6V,TJ = 25℃, unless otherwise specified)

Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Input Power Voltage VCC 4.5 5 36 V
Static Current IQ Charging Mode, RPROG=10k 240 360 μA
Standby Mode (Charge Terminated) 220 300
Shutdown Mode (RPROG not connected, VCC < VBAT, or VCC < VUV) 220 300
OVP Protection Status(VCC=30V) 120 250
Adjustable Output (Float Charge) Voltage VFLOAT 0°C≤TA≤85°C, RPROG = 2k 4.158 4.2 4.242 V
BAT Pin Current IBAT RPROG = 10k, Current Mode 100 120 140 mA
RPROG = 2.4k, Current Mode 450 500 550
RPROG = 2k, Current Mode 440 600 660
Standby Mode, VBAT = 4.2V 0 -2.5 -6 μA
Shutdown Mode (RPROG not connected and) ±1 ±2
Sleep Mode, VCC = 0V -1 -2
Trickle Charging Current ITRIKL VBAT < VTRIKL, RPROG = 10K 10 15 20 mA
Trickle Charging Threshold Voltage VTRIKL RPROG = 10k, VBAT increases 2.6 2.8 3 V
Trickle Charging Hysteresis Voltage VTRHYS RPROG = 10k 60 80 100 mV
VCC Under-voltage Lockout Threshold VUV From VCC Low to High 3.3 3.5 3.7 V
VCC Under-voltage Lockout Hysteresis VUVHYS 100 200 300 mV
VCC-VBAT Threshold Voltage VASD From VCC Low to High 200 mV
From VCC High to Low 50
C/10 Terminated Current Threshold ITERM RPROG = 10k 8 12 16 mA
RPROG = 2.0k 50 60 70
PROG Pin Voltage VPROG RPROG = 10k, Current Mode 0.9 1 1.1 V
CHRG Pin Output Low Voltage VCHRG ICHRG = 5mA 0.3 0.6 V
Recharge Battery Threshold Voltage ∆VRECHRG VFLOAT – VRECHRG 100 150 200 mV
Junction Temperature in Limited Temperature Mode TLIM 145 ℃
Power FET On-resistance RON 600 mΩ
Soft Start Time tSS IBAT = 0 to IBAT =1000V/RPROG 20 μs
Recharge Comparator Filter Time tRECHARGE From VBAT High to Low 0.8 1.8 4 ms
Terminate Comparator Filter Time tTERM IBAT Down to ICHG/10 0.8 1.8 4 ms
PROG Pin Pull-up Current IPROG 1 μA
Manual Shutdown Threshold Voltage VMSD PROG Pin Level Up 3.4 3.5 3.6 V
PROG Pin Level Down 1.9 2 2.1

2. Product Features

  • Maximum input voltage of 40V and 6.0V overvoltage protection.
  • Programmable charging current up to 600mA.
  • No external MOSFETs, sense resistors, or isolation diodes required.
  • Constant current/constant voltage operation with thermal regulation to maximize charging rates without overheating.
  • Direct charging of single lithium-ion batteries from USB ports.
  • Precision preset charging termination voltage of 4.2V with 1% accuracy.
  • Charging current monitor output for battery level detection.
  • Automatic recharge capability.
  • Charging status output pin.
  • C/10 charging termination.
  • 9V trickle charging.
  • Soft start to limit inrush current.
  • SOT23-5 package.

3. Typical Application Circuit Diagram

charging management chip HT4054H Typical Application Circuit Diagram

4. Pin Diagram and Functional Description

HT4054H SOT23-5
Pin Name Pin Number Functional Description
CHRG 1 Open-drain output for charging status indication
GND 2 Ground
BAT 3 Charging Current Output pin
VCC 4 Power Input pin
PROG 5 Constant current charging current setting and monitoring termina

5. Features

  • Normal Charging Cycle.
  • Charging Current Setting.
  • Termination of Charging.
  • Charging Status Indicator.
  • Thermal Limiting.
  • Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO).
  • Automatic Recharging.
  • Stability Considerations.
  • Power Consumption Considerations.
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